Friday, February 7, 2014

Breaking News

In today's news, an incredibly handsome and talented Topeka man was found face first in a snow drift on the corner of 17th and Washburn. According to our sources, his car had broken down and he was making the long and perilous journey to campus on foot. When found by paramedics, he was quoted saying "there is snow in my boots and I can't feel my feet." What a brave man. More on this story as it develops.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Top Games of 2013

Here are some of my favorite games of the year, listed alphabetically (mostly), in haiku. Because why not?

Bioshock Infinite

The new Bioshock,
Is pretty damn impressive,
Quite shocking, I know.

There's been some backlash,
Against it's overwhelming,

But such praise is earned
As it is a lot of fun,
To fly through the sky.

Unlike the first game,
This one doesn't fall apart,
In the second half.

Gone Home

Not sure what to say,
The less you know the better,
Just buy the damn game.

The Stanley Parable


Hate Plus

Okay, hear me out,
It's an excuse to mention,
Love Conquers All Games.

It should be noted,
I don't usually like,
Visual novels.

On the other hand,
Her games are the exception,
And deserve mention

The Last of Us

Most obvious choice,
For game of the year by far,
This shouldn't surprise.

It's the best acting,
I've ever seen in a game,
Quite an achievement.

The ending is great,
It's very unexpected,
And leaves you thinking.

One Finger Death Punch

Oh my god this game,
It's only, like, two buttons,
Why is it so fun?

In technical terms,
It's not much to talk about,
Just click left and right.

It's not up to par,
With other games on this list,
But it costs a buck.

It makes up for that,
In cost to fun ratio,
It's worth mentioning.

Papers Please

This game crushes souls,
An Orwellian nightmare,
It's outright brilliant.

There's not much to say,
It must be experienced,
To appreciate.

Shadow Warrior

Wow, this game kick ass,
The most fun I've had all year,
A gleeful bloodbath.

It's wanton chaos,
And gloriously cheesy,
I love it so much.

It's not as artsy,
As most of the games I've picked,
But, fuck it, it's fun!

Honorable Mention: Deadly Premonition

I don't even.